Needed Awakening
18 June 2023
Not sure how all the high ratings came about. I gave up on the movie about halfway in. Tedious and boring with the lead character seemingly only capable of speaking in a monotone. The number of scenes where he droned on about not getting enough out of life and talking about leaving the island had me wishing he would just pack his bag and leave the damn island - he wasn't the only one who needed a change of scenery by then. The interaction between him and his father seemed contrived, with first one having an elongated solo outburst or monologue and then the other. Even the fisherman's home somehow didn't quite suit. It was more like the dwelling of a suburban city office couple. I also doubted whether a knife dug out of the sand and lapped by the tide would still have so much obvious blood remaining on the blade after several days. Gave it 2 stars for the scenery shots.
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