Up and Away (2018)
Mostly Harmless Fun
19 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the cover image, I assumed this was an Indian or Middle Eastern production, not a Danish program. I gave this movie a chance, and it was interesting all the way through. The main character boy was likable and his rather intelligent goat was fun as well. The plot itself is rather simple. Boy wants to see the world (not follow in his father's footsteps) and adventure follows.

Now for the spoiler things. I found some parts of this movie upsetting. First off, the boy's father has a loose eye. It flops around in his head and gets stuck pointing in the wrong direction, so he needs to smack himself to loosen it once again. Is it a false eye? This did not need to be here.

Once in the big city, the boy is reminded of the penalty of having one's hands cut off for a minor offense. Perhaps this is true to history, but definitely not something that should have been in an animated feature.

And lastly, the sultan himself, the big bad guy, is repulsively fat and eats constantly, belches loudly, and even farts around his wives. He is made to be more comical, but he is definitely gross. He does seem to get his just desserts in the end, but watching the credits shows that even he too gets a happy ending.

If these things don't upset you, you'll find this to be an enjoyable one-time watch. It's free on Tubi.
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