So cringey but I LOVED this movie as a kid
23 June 2023
I gotta be real about this movie. It is cheesey and "bad" in every way that a B-movie from the 90s would be. But we had it on VHS as a kid and I watched it all the time. Am I bias from nostalgia? Yeah probably.

Mystery Monsters sort of reminds me of a low-budget Labyrinth (Labyrinth fans please don't come at me!) It's got weird puppets, the cheesiest evil queen lady, kids figuring out a mystery and trying not to get in trouble... some fun adventure elements that kids will enjoy even if the acting and writing is unbearable at times. It's wonderful in every "bad" way!

I used to pop this baby into our little portable VHS TV and stick it in the back of the car to watch while on road trips...Nostalgia box checked. You probably won't love this movie, but your kids might!
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