A great idea, poorly structured and executed
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great idea for a show. Come into peoples homes and lives to help them sort out their finances. I always enjoyed Suze Ormon's tough love in this area 20 years ago. There are some bits of great advice here, like how much money you should pay financial advisers, and how your financial situation should look if you are wanting to buy a home.

However there are a lot of very frustrating problems with this series that should have been caught by producers before it went to air.

Firstly, new people with money problems are added, multiple times per episode. There are so many different people being 'helped' at once its impossible to remember who was doing what. There isn't time to get to know someone before yet another new person is introduced. Instead, each episode should be one person/pair helped from start to finish. The host keeps introducing new people as we forget about those who are mid-help. What happened to the woman who wanted to open a restaurant? Was there a conclusion beyond "maybe I'll do it next year"? People just seem to fade away without anything having changed. Where is the follow-up? Did the gymnast sell her condo?

Secondly, the title is misleading. This should have been called 'How to live your rich life". Most of the people being helped are already wealthy, they just overspend so have money problems. There's little advice about how to get rich, only advice about how to stop wasting money which is very obvious advice.

Third, there's far too much time wasted on flattering the host. The endless slow motion walks of him down a street are completely unnecessary and add nothing. Do people really stop him on the street to ask for photos? He's not Beyonce. Viewers want his advice, not his image.

If these three problems could be fixed this would be a great show.
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