Has Potential, Failed to Impress
28 June 2023
Ironclad.. I remember watching the 1st Movie, and I Loved it.. the struggle and the Loyalty to the Cause and the Promise Given.. The 2nd Movie.. Oh well, was a Real Disappointment, as it hardly has solid Material.. It Tried to Use the Name Guy the Square, which Appeared in Ironcald 1, In Order to Nourish the Story and make those Followers of the Story more Attrached to it, however, it was Not a Sustitution for "James Purefoy" who played as "Marshall" in the first movie and His Act was Superb and Made anyone who watched the Movie get so Attached to the Character..

The Sword Fights are a collection of Camera Jumbles without Focus on a Certain Scene.. and The Rest of the Characters are Sort of Just Trying to Build Certain Characterstics in an Absolutly Boring way.. The most Character that I really Enjoyed and Cheered for was Berenger, but Sort of Expected he would be the escapegoat to Make the Movie.... more Touching... and More About Standing for the Promise and the Dept.. yet.. Again, It just Did not click..

One this I Noticed in the Fight Scenes, which is the Absence of ANY BOWs in the Entire Fights.. English Bows were Knows for being one of the Longest Range Bows due to their Length, However, it seemed that the Soldiers just.. Didn't have any.. Not Sticks to Push of the Ladders of the Attachers.. or Hot Oil to Pour it on the Climbers.. They were Like.. Waiting for the Enemies to Climb and then Start Hacking the Wacking at them..
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