True Detective: The Secret Fate of All Life (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
Things are not always what they seem!
1 July 2023
After the previous episode my expectations for a great episode, was raised.. yet this episode manages to be amazing as well, just in a different manor! Here the writing really prevails as well as how information is given to us!

Since the first episode we have been going back and forth between the interogation in 2012 and the case in the past! We never knew why it took place but this episode starts to give us hints and answers! This was the first time the 2012 stuff had me on edge!

Cohle really shines in this episode and we are forced to look at him differently! All the things they been through.. it changes a man! They have seen and experienced darkness! That.. affects who you are as a person!

Great and shocking moments! It felt like a finale.. but also felt like a new beginning for the final part!
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