Dungeons & Dragons: The Winds of Darkness (1985)
Season 3, Episode 6
Not the Finale We Deserved, But...
13 July 2023
Not the Finale We Deserved, But... a great episode nonetheless. It begins in media res with Bobby screaming for help. Unfortunately the local villagers are too busy hounding some old bag lady to listen. Back in the forest, the gang's being attacked by a dark wizard who controls deadly fog. Oh no... the fog killed Hank!

Of course, not is all that it seems. But this episode definitely introduced a certain level of danger not present in most other episodes. Hank is the leader, he's the smart one, he's the strong one. Ranger's weapon is the most offensive. Without him the kids are up a certain creek without a paddle and it shows.

The ending is sort of a cliffhanger with Dungeon Master telling them of yet another way to get home. That episode wasn't produced but there are certain versions of it easily findable online, and on the DVD's special features. (Hopefully the DVD with the extras is released again because the prices online are kind of crazy!)

All in all, D&D is much beloved and deservedly so. It holds up WAY better than you might think. There actually is continuity and characterization. These things existed in American animation this far back, believe it or not. They're just subtle.

It pains me to say that even in 2023 there are no novels or comic books capitalizing on this one-of-a-kind cartoon. Well, there is one 4-issue comic book series that did recently come out but it's garbage. The characters behave and speak completely off model. The art could have worked but the script ruins any potential there. But if you want to see a dumb "story" with no regard for the series produced by some wannabe hipsters pretending to appreciate it, you're in luck. Sheila is no a YASS Qween character and Hank is a gutless moron. The final issue tries to salvage these terrible decisions but it's a lost cause by that point.

Let's end on a cheery note. There's a Brazilian car commercial starring the gang and DM and it's live action. You can easily find an English version online. Happy watching! Long live D&D!
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