Review of Charades

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Charades (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Spock lost his career Vulcan side yet the actual Vulcans don't act like vulkans
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst episode of SNW so far. Neither Vulcan parents nor T'Pring act according to logic, but are motivated by feelings of frustration and disappointment. These are emotions too! And it's supposed to be difficult for Vulcans to lie, but T'Pring and her father both seem to lie to please her mother. Vulcans don't behave this way-it's illogical.

They also really pushed the love triangle in the most cringey way. Spock spent the whole episode pretending to not be human to complete a ritual to prove he's worthy of marrying T'Pring.

Meanwhile Chapel has to tell an alien she loves him to get a cure because... reasons? At the end, T'Pring tells him they need time apart because he didn't tell her he was accidentally human? His reason was because he knew it was difficult for Vulcans to lie (which the writers ignored earlier) and that his human mind didn't want to burden her further when she was already stressed. A true Vulcan should have commended him for his logic. He just spent a whole evening undergoing grueling scrutiny to prove he was good enough to marry her and she tells him they need time apart because of one little thing? It's ridiculous. And yet, it wasn't a clean breakup. "We need time apart" is not "I'm ending this." It's just that-a step back to reassess. But the writers wanted to push this love triangle with Chapel so he jumps into bed immediately with her immediately. T'Pring was barely off the ship. It felt gross and wrong. I don't even like T'Pring but I feel bad for the girl.

I'm so disappointed by the direction they took this. Early in the show, I was really hoping Spock and Chapel would be besties. A rare instance of a male and a female just being really good friends. But no, we get this canned, infidelity straddling cringefest of a romance. Love the rest of the show but this was terrible.
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