Knightfall (2017–2019)
An Epid that would Take you in Every Turn
17 July 2023
I Watched Season 1, and the story is surely mixed of everything that anyone who is into Epic stories would love.. Based on Knighthood, bravery, treachery, loyalty, history and much more.. The series holds both Christians and Muslims on high regards, showing that the purpose is to focus on the events, not dwelling on historic disputes... At the beginning, you might imagine that it is a medieval investigation story about the grail, however, the turn of events would prove you wrong and encourage you to watch more and more.. You would never imagine what would happen in the next moment not how an event would fold out...

UPDATE ON 25.07.2023: Just completed Watching Season 2, and unfortunately, the Series Lost its Spark that it gained from the 1st Season.. First of all, there is no longer mention of the Holy Grail, making the 1st Season seems so disconnected from the 2nd season.. Also, the Series went down the same wrong turn that many other movies / medias took, which is trying to implement Anime standards on normal media, which reminded me a lot with Solomon Kane Movie..few of the 'anime' measurements was when Prince Lui rides his horse un challenged into the crown hall of his father, the king, even though his identity was not known to the guards.. Also, he is always surrounded by these guards who cover their face fully except for the eyes and nose.. In anime, such guards would be a real challenge and real bad asses, where in Knightfall, they only.. Literally.. Stood there.. Doing nothing.. Making you wonder if they are not being baid enough to make fight scenes... Also, the character of Master Telos (Mark Hamill from Star Wars), has than animr aura around him with his drunkard stomach, harsh sound and attitude, but when coming to show his real skills, as in anime.. The scene only shows him walking toward the enemy, and then walking away from the dead corpses.. When will producers understand that such things look cool in anime.. But too cheap in real live media.. Finally there is a lot of dialog repetition that the audience would think that the actors are out of things to say, and can almost know what is to be said when certain characters get together....
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