Past Obsessions (2011 TV Movie)
Box office gold!
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Any film featuring Josie Davis is usually a guarantee of 'box office gold' and a cinematic pleasing experience and this film is no exception.

Without giving too much away, Ms Davis plays the part of a young wife whose husband (played by the excellent David Milbern) likes nothing better than giving her a good hiding. As a result, she decides to fake her own death, run off and start a new life in a small town. Whilst there, she meets a thoroughly nice chap (who doesn't show tendencies of wife beating) who also owns a vineyard. Unfortunately for the pair of them and other characters besides, the nasty piece of work (the husband) turns up and much murderous mayhem ensues!

What makes the film so enjoyable is that the plot is entirely believable and the acting is first class. Whilst not quite reaching the dizzying heights of 'The Perfect Assistant', Ms Davis is on top form as Shane and it was also nice to see Ms Davis being able to show off her artistic and culinary abilities in addition to her acting skills.

David Milbern is entirely convincing as the husband who likes to slap his missus around and the viewer is left with the burning question of why on earth his lovely young wife would marry such a brute in the first place? The chap who plays the vineyard owner shows great acting prowess and one can only assume he will be offered similarly theatrically demanding roles in the future. Mention must be given to the excellent Adrian Holmes as Dr Wells whose presence on screen is far too short to exhibit his undoubted acting skills.

Overall, the film is a cautionary tale for attractive young ladies to check the wife beating tendencies of their future spouses and for vineyard owning nice chaps to check the background of attractive young ladies who turn up on their doorstep wielding pencils and sketchpads.

Having read other reviews which drew comparisons with 'Sleeping with the enemy', I watched said film and found it to be inferior in all aspects and not a patch on this original classic.

Highly recommended!
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