Hijack: Brace Brace Brace (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Poorly executed end to an ok-ish show
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just joining the choir here really. Every sensible review has already pointed out that this series has been light on plausibility throughout but it has been completely jettisoned for this final installment. The cast were A list but the writing was very much that of a SyFy low budget disaster movie. There is a big difference between suspending disbelief and ignoring stupid.

Air traffic controller who thinks she's in charge. Nonsense! Definite SyFy budget vibes to the silly set and acting here.

Prime Minister in hiding because they don't want to be involved - nonsense! Another silly setting here too.

And my personal favourite - the 999 call where the police turn up to a confirmed person in danger call but walk away because the 'cleaner' (an obvious gangster) says everything is ok - mind-boggling nonsense!

And why were the 'cleaners' actually cleaning? Were they insane or just method assassins?

This last episode could have saved the series after the surprise twist of bad-ass Amanda last episode. Sadly she turned out to be a wet kipper.

Poor Idris. From Luther to this shambles.

It's only 7 hours but it gets worse rather than better as it goes along. I'd skip it if you haven't started yet.
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