Asteroid City (2023)
New holder of the Worst Movie title for me.
17 August 2023
This is really the worst movie I've ever seen. Even compared with genuine garbage movies, this has a special vibe that makes it pop. Maybe I'm just not the Wes Anderson type of audience. Judging solely by this movie, I would say he's overrated. It feels like an Oompa Loompa's fever dream after snorting drugs with an armadillo. I don't even know if it's campy. It's just weird and absurd. It feels like a movie that wins the Oscars in the alternate timeline of a pre Idiocracy world. I imagine this is what a movie night in Hell feels like if it was ruled by a depressed Ken because Barbie cheated on him with the Astronaut from Toy Story.. The miniature feeling of the cinematography feels weird. Interesting but weird. I know that he's got this special style for his artwork but it's like an overdose of Wes Anderson. All those angled shots, the profile framing, the quasi symmetry, the pastel colors, the weird angles , it's like a cinema art student just learned all these tricks and decided to use them all. I didn't hate it but I didn't enjoy it either.
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