The More Love Grows (2023 TV Movie)
wish I could have liked it more
21 August 2023
This new Hallmark movie had so much potential! Sadly, it missed that opportunity. Rachel Boston, the leading actress, has shown in all her past films that she has a very limited range. Her tendency to giggle during any lapse in dialogue is almost her signature behavior. Her giggle fills space that could be just as well be left silent. And her giggle is most often inappropriate to the moment in the script.

The story that this film offers is so contemporary,and so relevant to a large audience. A marriage suddenly ends. The couple, mature enough to have daughter in college, needs to deal with the reality of two lives that have to move on. This topic could have been explored in a much more mature and sensitive manner. Unfortunately, it wasn't.

Acting kudos go to the leading actress' mother, played by Gabrielle Rose, who has an impressive range of emotion, expressions, and very convincing delivery of her lines.

If the viewer can overlook the giggling of the leading lady as well as her broad smile throughout any emotional scene, this is a movie that could deliver a profound message about moving on, discovering ones untapped talents and gratifications.

In the end, this movie belongs to the wonderful dog who stole every scene. He was a marvelous actor, a real trouper, and saved the viewer from all the unsettling smiling and flat giggling of the leading lady,.
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