Review of Mink

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Mink (1956)
Season 1, Episode 36
24 August 2023
I agree with the last reviewer how times have really changed. True, back in the 50s (when this episode was filmed, and especially in Hollywood), wearing a mink coat was a sign of social status. Today a mink hoodie would be more fashionable.

Who better to play the role of a woman of taste than Ruth Hussey, who began her career as a fashion commentator, before becoming a Powers model and then a star at MGM. Here, she plays a lady of means who has an eye for a mink coat --only it happens to be stolen merchandise. Funny thing is NO ONE can varify her story that she is NOT a thief. What a Hitchcock dilemma that only mushrooms for your entertainment pleasure.

This was Hitch's favorite recipe; a person in trouble, the walls closing in but fast. Now what?

There's also a great supporting cast with series regular Vivi Janis playing a cop this time around. Popular 40s blonde gangster moll or sometime heroine Veda Ann Borg plays Lucille.

Look for pretty Eugenia Paul (as Dolores), who played a few roles in her short career before marrying one of the famous Pep Boys, heir to the auto parts store chain.

The inside joke, and perhaps with Hitch; Ruth Hussey appeared in THE LADY WANTS MINK (1953), a few years before this episode. She also was nominated for an Oscar in THE PHILADELPHIA STORY, playing a fashion photographer.

A must for those who dare not leave the mansion without the proper attire! SEASON 2 remastered Universal dvd box set. 5 dvd set. 16 hrs running time. 2006 release.
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