Review of Cheeni 2

Cheeni 2 (2023)
cheeni was sweet while cheeni 2 is delicious
24 August 2023
The speciality of the story is that you don't need to watch its volume one . The name of the central characters have been kept the same , yet the story has no linkage with the previous one .'Cheeni' is a fashion designer who has built up her life through many problematic situation . Her mother had committed suicide due to family pressure and her father was reluctant to bring her up properly. With time Cheeni learnt to fight against the world. She's very serious about her love life and doesn't easily offer her love to an unknown guy.

Another plot of mrs. Misti Mukherjee is added and the story of her says that her current family is behaving with her as if she is taken for granted.

The two characters meet up in the home of misti's mother as she went there out of anger to family and Cheeni goes there for she doesn't want to live with her irresponsible father.

Now the storyline shows how both Misti and Cheeni come to know about each other's problems and solve them simultaneously. And as if Cheeni had discovered her mother inside Misti's affection for her. Cheeni deals with a nice guy and helps him to get out of the shock of loosing his current girlfriend. The story going to climax confirms the departure of Misti's hubby to Delhi and after this Misti's anniversary is arranged and Misti realises that the boy whom Cheeni had helped to get relief and loved is none but Misti's own elder son.

Thus the story ends with a humorous question that what Cheeni will call Misti? Is it a friend, or an aunty or mother-in-law?

The whole story is tightly compact and every part has been nicely maintained. Obviously, the actors and actresses have been done. To know more, just watch this film.
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