Invasion (2021–2024)
Quality Scifi, Not For Tiktok Generation
26 August 2023
Slow burn Sci fi done properly - take this review as a whole season endorsement.

7.5/10 for me; unusual to see such depth and metaphysical entanglement amid well played-out tropes.

This had the feel of some scifi from the late 60s/70s, when cerebral involvement was as crucial to the experience as action. Popcorn junkies will bemoan the pacing; not me - refreshing to have to anticipate along with the players in this drama.

Little dramatic irony is afforded to satiate the audience's curiosity, they build it by putting you in the midst of the nightmare, discovering the terrible truth along with the characters.

Revelations are often perplexing in a good way; puts you in the mindset of traumatic, impulsive, survival situations.

Probably too frustrating for many spoon-fed disposable viewers of today but rewarding ultimately for those who like their storylines by osmosis for a change.

The organic method of telling this global apocalyptic tale worked for me; refreshingly intense. I expected weary tropes but found interesting direction and efficient writing delivered fresh perspective.

Acting was well-pitched, depth enough; portrayals of harrowing times carried well by every spoken part. English kids were particularly fine.

Enjoyed all segments of the story and the development of each main character's part stayed compulsive viewing.

Aliens themselves suitably nightmarish - excellent design, given we've about seen it all since Geiger's Alien (late scenes hark back to that very classic) and the hints of more to come were thrilling enough with subtle reveals. No overload of cgi required.

As stated, this had the feel of classic scifi and maintained it through 10 episodes. Well done, a terrific surprise. Looking forward to the 'difficult second album'. Hope they play it as cool as this one.
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