Review of Hegemony

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Hegemony (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Sometimes a monster is just a monster?
29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just going to lay it out right in front: "Sometimes a monster is just a monster" is not a sentiment that goes down well with an audience that appreciates Star Trek for it's principles. It's even worse if a starship captain says it.

These are not advanced humans, they gladly want to kill the Gorn - all of them. Long gone are the days when there was a debate if killing a sentient being is justified.

Furthermore, how does the Gorn civilisation work? How did they achieve warp technology? How did they make it into space? Were there Gorn lizard scientists with labcoats and safety goggles?

How can cold-blooded reptilians breed their young in warm-blooded human hosts?

The concept of the Gorn doesn't seem to be sufficiently though out.

That Chapel is apparently the only one surviving on a starship is really stretching it.

This was a very uneven end to an uneven season. The comedy/relationship/musical episodes don't fit the tone of the more serious attempts. Overall, Pike was more of a chef than a captain this season.

They lifted this cliffhanger (by own admission) from the much superior "The Best of Both Worlds" but at the end, Riker gives the command to fire on his former captain. He is acting - Pike just stands there unsure what to do. Which is a perfect summary of Pike's leadership qualities.

This episode might be cool for people who never saw Star Trek before or alien invasion movies but overall, this was a disappointment. There were some neat shots but this show is a lot of fluff and soapy as hell.

Erica quote of the week while a debris field is cleary visible on screen: "What's this stuff here?" And then (of course) ending with Pike complimenting her: "That's brilliant! You were born for this Erica!"
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