Nice change of pace
29 August 2023
I loved this episode but I can very much understand why most Witcher fans didn't like it.

I am very partial to a strong female lead left to survive alone, depending on her skills for survival and animals for company. It felt very "valley of the horses" to me which is one of my favourite books.

The acting was amazing and that horse was so well trained. I feel like the episode progressed the story without lots of twists and turns. Sometimes I get lost in all of the character and place names and have no idea what's going on. I guess the books help with that but it was nice to have one episode with minimal cast, no places to keep track of or multiple stories unfolding at once.

But like I said I think most Witcher fans love all the characters and places, and I do too. If every episode was like this one it would be a boring show but once in a while, especially if you are binge watching the show it's nice to have a change of pace.

This episode will be a love or hate it. It is very much a change from what we have seen in the past seasons, especially as the last few episodes have also had minimal sets and tangents.
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