Invasion: Chasing Ghosts (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Episode 2 results: Face palm, guffaw, talking to the wall.
30 August 2023
Any expectation that the second series of Invasion would correct the many, many failings and exasperation of the first have been well and truly dispelled by Episode 2.

After spending the first series watching our wandering soldier try to find a way back to the USA from across the world, he's realised that nobody wants him there, particularly now that he saved his sister's son from drowning and was immediately kicked out of the house for that --his sister unable to reconcile the fact that he shouted at the not-dead boy and she took the time after her son drew a waterlogged breath to tell our soldier this instead of comforting her child. This is the level of writing they've given us and in fact it's now evident that the extent of mediocrity in this series knows no bounds. The writing and acting are really awful. It takes a while to fully grasp this but, never fear, the realisation will come to you after the razzle-dazzle of the shiny trailer and enticing in-app artwork wear off. It will reveal itself to be nothing of substance, a padded, drip-fed exercise in audience baiting.

Not content with sending our wandering soldier on another walkabout, the writers and directors have now sent our band of soap-opera standard young actors on a walkabout to find Casp (short for Casper, because we must economise on syllables whenever wanting to convey familiarity) as if watching the family in the first episode wander about, then our soldier on walkabout again in episode two wasn't enough. And despite all of the cordoned-off zones and countries in this Invaded world, everyone seems to be able to wander about with free abandon, even from country to country, far easier than we could during lockdown. You may make the observation that this wandering is simply a repeat of the first series and who am I to disagree with that?

If you like watching people wander about, then enjoy. But if you, like myself, thought the trailer for Series 2 signified that it would be better than the first series, then you're likely to be abjectly disappointed and a little peeved if you're in any way of balanced patience. Why, because dropping one episode per week as a way to draw out monthly subscriptions would be palatable if only the episodes themselves were something of substance, with an actual story. Sadly, two episodes in, they're well short of delivering anything near what the marketing promised ... yet again.
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