The Blacklist (2013–2023)
A great show with trouble crossing the T's and dotting the I's
5 September 2023
The Blacklist is a wonderful show featuring James Spader and a wooden plank. The tech/youth talk is absolutely horrible, but it's fun. Spader's work is a 10/10, a shining light in an otherwise 6/10 show. If you're an IT specialist this show is a comedy, the tech in this show is so stupid or so far off it's incredible. The actors are all doing great work, with one glaring exception. (The wooden plank ofcourse) There is a lot of repeated dialogue, ''Crossing the T's and dotting the I's'' is repeated a LOT throughout the show. I never heard this sentence before, until in this show everybody says it. Some storylines seem similar but deviate later on. Maybe a bit too much child murder, they even blow up a dog.

22 episodes a year is a lot, and if Spader wasn't pulling me back in constantly I would have given up long ago. This is definitely the last time I binge one of these stretched out shows with a billion episodes. 10-13 per season is fine.
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