Review of Hatred

Hatred (2015 Video Game)
I've got nothing but hatred for Hatred.
16 September 2023
This game tries to cache in on the controversy surrounding gun ownership and mass shooter hysteria. It is complete nonsensical rubbish without a plot, as you'd probably expect. An alternative title for this pile of diarrhea can be "Senseless Killing - The Game".

Mass shooters are chickens**t scrawny dweeb emo cowards who can no longer cope with the terrors of life and decide to take their wrath out on society.

But not this guy! This guy puts on a "real" tough-guy act! (honest) and goes around friendly, familiar neighborhoods taking his "hatred" out on decent, hard-working people for no rhyme or reason!

WHHY are you committing these heinous criminals acts, Mr sir criminal element You?

You need to have a reason for existing in order to be believable!

No? Developers don't care?

Then why should I or you? No, you shouldn't; nothing to see here.

The gameplay is linear and repetitive and aimless as all hell.

Final Verdict: This game gets a rating of 3 for its decent vfx & sfx.
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