Invasion: Chasing Ghosts (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Well, so much for season two
17 September 2023
After the glacial pace of season one and the cliffhanger ending, I was hoping season two might pick up the pace and introduce something interesting about the aliens.

  • Nope. We are still following the family we don't care about (apparently this is the "character interest" part of the formula.)
  • The giant spiky coronaviruses that impale people can apparently be taken out *easily* by fire. What are they fighting back with? Flamethrowers maybe? No, Molotov cocktails thrown by our Japanese "hero" from last season. She has a great arm.

  • The giant alien ship that crashed? Surely, the world governments have banded together and sent their best military minds to tear that thing apart, so we can find out how to defeat the aliens. Of course not! Let's leave it up to it to an annoying, churlish billionaire (as if money would matter when a large percentage of the atmosphere is already poisoned) to figure this out (I guess we have Elon fans among the writers). Still, he needs our Molotov throwing heroine because ONLY she knows how to communicate with the aliens.

And this is just within the first 15 to 20 minutes. It's a waste of nice production values and occasional good special effects. I would be stunned if this show gets a season three.
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