Dancing and Swedish people is a recipe for disaster: who could have seen that coming? Me.
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry I'm late to writing this review (and the next two which I'll probably write later). I'm gonna try and be quick about this, these episodes were worse than a middle school restroom. The episodes provided little redeeming qualities. Out of Step is the less bad episode, so I'll talk about it first, especially considering it's first in the pairing.

This episode is pretty much just a Dog Day Afternoon type plot where it's about sabotaging to try and do better... if that makes sense. Just the plot in general is really generic and bored the crap outta me, I don't care about Clyde at all. It was kind of obvious I wouldn't care for this episode, especially considering it's a season 7 Loud House episode. Another thing I should mention is Chandler. He's the one thing saving this episode

Yes, really.

Before you put up your pitchforks, let me just say I cannot stand Lincoln at all, so him getting bullied by Chandler is just hilarious to me, even when it's not deserved (for episodes where he bullies Lincoln they are still counted against the episode if they are undeserved - ex: Musical Chairs, 1/10). In this episode, he and his "Grandma" are in the competition and try to sabotage Clyde and Nana Gayle for some massage chairs. I mean... it isn't the worst prize ever???

Well, the sabotaging goes how you'd expect: drier than a desert. It's just boring and predictable. Also, Mrs. Bernardo annoyed me a ton in this episode. I understand why they couldn't go again, but it was like she was blind... dude, IT WASN'T THEIR FAULT, STOP BEING SO NAIVE, YOU FAILURE OF A BROADWAY STAR.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this episode. I got spoiled to the ending online before I watched this episode, but while watching it, the twist of Chandler's grandma not actually being his grandma wasn't that out of left field. Then again, I can predict anything nowadays. Screw the modern era.

I'm gonna stop with my rants, this episode is a 3/10. Chandler and the animation are the only saviors.

If you thought that was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet, because Too Cool for School lands like a torpedo in my stomach of horrendous writing. I despise the episodes of Lincoln and his friends just at the school doing stuff.

This episode is no exception, it's one of the worst of the episodes in its' category. I can't understand how anyone likes this episode. So let me explain why I can't stand it.

First of all, everyone is braindead, especially Principal Ramirez for trusting this... Swedish mama..., when she should've realized after like a day or two that NO ONE and I mean NO ONE besides her was liking these new rules. These types of episodes infuriate me on another level.

Also, the fact that the second half is a huge ripoff of Saved By the Spell from season 5 is just the cherry on top. Stella dresses as the Swedish lady, Astrid, and goes to her meet and greet (somehow during school hours) and pretends to be her. Yeah, I can totally tell it's Astrid, must have just she shrunk and become hispanic. The Principal is somehow fooled by this (a former teacher) and only realizes it isn't Astrid when she comes back from "helping" the rest of their little gang or whatever. They might as well be some sort of The Warriors style gang. Anyways, this paragraph is getting too long.

Pretty much just saying I hate this episode. Season 7 was going a little better, but it had to introduce this piece of bull to my life when it's already bad enough. :,)

Obvious 1/10. Scores average to a 2/10, sorry for writing this so late.
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