Prequel to Farpoint?
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
646. Flight That Disappeared (1961). See, right from the start the movie lies to you, it didn't disappear, it was just delayed... We find ourselves aboard Trans-Coast Airways Flight 60, headed to Washington D. C. Among the regular everyday passengers, sit three scientists on their way to a classified meeting at the Pentagon concerning a weapon they're working on the 'beta bomb'!

Everything about the flight seems normal, except that they are smoking cigarettes, eating a provided meal, there also appears to be plenty of legroom, and enough space to put your bags in the overhead compartment, but other than that, normal.

Until the pilots get to cruising altitude but the plane keeps climbing all on its own! Eventually they go up high enough where everyone loses consciousness, except for our three scientists!

Dr. Morris (Dayton Lummis), Marcia (Paula Raymond) and Tom (Craig Hill) become aware that they seem to have landed and exit the plane and they are quickly confronted by The Examiner (Gregory Morton), I say quickly because by the time they get to the point of the film, there's less than 15 minutes left... The Examiner informs them that they are stuck between a moment in time and have been brought to this place to be placed on trial. That bomb these three are working on, may or may not cause the destruction of the Earth's atmosphere, whoops!!

Spolier Alert!!!

The verdict comes down as guilty!!! They are sentenced to live in this limbo... forever!!!

Spoiler Alert 2!!!

As soon as their sentences are handed down, this guy, The Sage (Addison Richards), walks around the corner and says they can't be judged by a future society, for something they haven't done. And they are sent back home.

Spoiler Alert 3!!!

The plane lands perfectly fine, all aboard are completely unaware of the heavenly two-minute trial and exoneration of the 3 scientists! But holy moly the plane is exactly 24 hours late!!!

But the 3 scientists know! The question is, will they change their ways and not go ahead with the 'beta bomb' Spolier Alert 4!!!

No, Dr. Morris throws a notebook away, and it appears that Tom and Marcia will be hooking up sometime in the near future, therefore the world is safe from thermonuclear destruction! Whew!

I was amused, mostly because it reminded me of the pilot episode for Star Trek: The Next Generation, Encounter at Farpoint, where they meet Q and the crew of the Enterprise are put on trial for all of mankind's misdeeds, or something like that... To cement this idea futher, remember when Q introduces the crew to a group of cybernetic organisms linked to a hive mind called 'The Collective'?? Check out the director's name... Have fun kids!

Not Rated Directed by Reginald Le Borg Written by Ralph Hart, Judith Hart, Orville H. Hampton Available on Prime Tim: The Shtty Movie Reviewer on FB.
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