Billions: Cold Storage (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
I gave you much credit
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To preface, I watched seaisks 1-5 and didn't do other things. The cast was mostly just amazing. I liked Taylor for a min, but their betrayal of Bobby, I can't stand people who are disloyal. I know it's for the sake of story and such, but there is nothing serving the story.

Everyone is rude or die with Axe and suddenly an episode into season 6 he has them all on their back begging for scratches. You get this half arsed rich people are bad plot points that they just keep doubling down on. I'm the beginning is was interesting and unique. Easy to vote for Axe because he didn't do anything really wrong. You have the oetty official type that comes from all kinds of wealth and influence, then gets the mother of all Peter's North style plot erections. Chuck at least used to be interesting and when he was on the same side as Axe is should have been better and longer.

Nope. Showtime decided to keep taking their plot points from memes and rich people are bad and it's ok to break the law in an endless pursuit of injustice. Yes the rich suck, we get it. Of course there is the old adage about be careful hunting a monster lest ye become one yourself. Chuck is a shoddy cheap imitation of a character anymore.

So this last season was busy with interspecies erotica. It was not good. That's been said plenty. I thought they'd at least have a smart season finale. I figured the drives and everything were a setup to put Chuck away for good so Mike had a straight shot. I mean, that's the only reason to have him get away with such ludicrous things that made no sense, and yet cracks the code (obviously) in the last try. So Mike would. Have been out a whole 150 million. Cheap for a future to take the White House and move on with his plan. It was all going to be elaborate f u to Chuck. Maybe compromising photos from his old BDSM days, planted child stuff. I even figured he could have had them all sealed up with a pin but we're still empty.

Nope. He apparently flushed 3 billion to make a point that didn't matter. The writers aren't as smart as they think they are. Home boy is rolling 16 billion+ deep of just what they can show. That money doesn't mean anything. Sure there's the ego thing, but the real baller big brain move is only sacrificing what you need. The 150 million would have been sufficient and smart. Nope. Blows all that money and has a moment of weakness in front of cameras. Because that's the first government building he's been in and he doesn't understand how the world works. Nope. He has to appear weak caressing the wall like it was some Thailand ladyboy. The whole thing is utterly empty of any meaningful or worthwhile stories. Nothing memorable. Lame rinse and repeat of tired memes and overused references.

I've grown up watching movies and tv, listening to music, reading comics. I always loved being able to pick out a smart homage. A sly tip of the hat, as it were. The abuse of pop culture references and and non sequiturs has made it so I never want to references anything I've watched before, because I don't think the world needs more of that hack garbage out there. Showtime has always been the little fish of prison, when you look at the other names. There's a reason they have no real worthwhile claim to fame and they got to keep ripping from HBO.
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