American Gods (2017–2021)
Amazing first Seaoson.. And let that be it..
3 October 2023
American Gods... I watched the first season and i was amazed, all the characters were awesome, the twists of events were just astonishing.. Specially the end of the season.. With its grand finale that made me have high expectations for the next seasons... But what a disappointment..

The 2 following seasons were a major disappointment, as it shows characters running around doing things without any progress toward the main case.. No more confirmation between Old and New Gods.. Actually, none of the Gods show anything at all.. Chernobog keeps smoking and waving hammer at nothing and talking in his eastern accent, makes you believe that he will alter events and bring calamities.. But nope, the only one he swing his hammer at was a bartender Leprechaun..

Mad Swini, my best character since S1.. Done nothing but running around with Laura Moon, talking, smoking and remembering days past..

Crispin Glover, the character knows as Mr. World, seems to have had enough with only talking, even though he had an awesome character and presence, so the character was shifted betwee 3 actors, like Danny Trejo and Dominique Jackson.. Well, that was lame indeed.. And racist to the maximum specially when a character commented on White people not being Trustworthy..

And finally, both S 2 & 3 seemed to be good opportunity for Ricky Whittle to keep showing off his packs at every possible opportunity..

I loved Season 1.. I really did, but the 2 other Seasons just made the Series sink faster than the Titanic.. Canceling the show was a sign of mercy.
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