Intensely Bad
12 October 2023
The only redeeming quality is Donald Pleasence -- tired and wheezy as he is -- shows up. But this is dreadfully bad movie. The little girl is terrible. Her mugging and stilted delivery make Dakota Fanning look like Meryl Streep. The babysitting stepsister seems to have gone to the same acting school of gaping as the girl in Jurassic Park.

But, really, these dime-a-dozen slasher movies don't exist for the acting. Once in a while, something as good as the original Halloween comes along (though the supporting cast is often just passable there, too), but audiences for this stuff aren't watching for the performances.

So that means the rest has to be good. And it isn't. This was made by a director who doesn't seem to understand much about, oh, camera set ups and blocking the actors, nor an editor who understands anything about pacing. Thus, some scenes will flash by in a moment, before you brain has a chance to figure out what happened, while others will drag on interminably, like the slowest escape from a masked killer in a house in the history of movies.

Sadly, they made yet another one with the cast after this.
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