Reservation Dogs (2021–2023)
Decent show with odd final season
13 October 2023
Reservation Dogs hits extremely well right out of the gates as a fun, sort of coming of age feel show about 4 teens going through life on the Res. The show has laughs, feels, some excitement throughout but slowly matures into more about the community rather than the teens it seems to push as the stars. Season 2 was more of the same, but let's talk about season 3... To me this is where the show runners knew the show was done and instead of naturally flowing the story line it became more of an anthology in which each episode did not flow into the next and more satisfied goals in random order. Very jarring if you ask me. I really wanted this show to go out on a complete high note because it was well done, but to me it exited on a whimper in terms of what could have been.
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