Review of Pennyworth

Pennyworth (2019–2022)
The trend continues - no bad Alfred has ever been cast
18 October 2023
Just finished season one and overall quite happy. Jack Bannon nails it consistently in every scene - competent, charming, reserved, experienced, and just generally someone I would like to have a pint with. If you enjoyed the Bond books (not the movies) by Ian Fleming, this series is perfect for you.

My only gripe with the series is the potential to dive into the supernatural, which as of yet has only been hinted at. Barring the supernatural, all of these events are plausible and connected in logical sequence. This could've happened in the 60s, for all I know, and it's fun to entertain the idea. Is this really what British politics were like in that time?

Also rather love that they manage to portray strong women without creating weak or incompetent men. People make mistakes because they are characters, not because they're contrived for some idealistic campaign.

Looking forward to season two and hopefully won't have to adjust this review.
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