Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Review!
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm absolutely mind blown over how amazing this Finale was, this Episode is for sure the Best of the whole entire Series. The episode begins with Loki trying to fix the Temporal Loom, but every single time he tries to fix the Temporal Loom it still fails, so centuries later Loki is still Time Slipping over and over again to try to fix it and finally it actually works. Though once he finally did, something was off, the Temporal Loom was still failing due to there being an infinite amount of Time Branches. Loki finally realized if he wants to save everyone he has to go even further back in time, so he goes back to the moment where him and Sylvie were fighting over He Who Remains, then Loki chooses to try to talk Sylvie but she never listened, and each time Loki tries to talk to her she says the he has to kill her if he wants to save He Who Remains. After the long loop of fighting Sylvie, Loki has a talk with He Who Remains, while talking with him Loki got the idea to destroy Temporal Loom himself, and that's what he does. Loki destroys the Temporal Loom, all the Time Branches start to die off, then that's when Loki sacrifices himself, in order for Loki to save all of the Time Branches he has to keep a hold of them in his hands for all time, and that's where the Series ends. Loki sacrifices his free to give free will to everyone else, Loki learns that his Glorious Purpose was to hold the Time Branches in the palm of his hand For All Time. Always. After Season 2 I believe that most of us can agree that Loki is by far the Best MCU Disney+ Series, overall I'm very satisfied with how this amazing Series ended!
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