Comedy? No. Horrible? Yes!
13 November 2023
Ironically, the security code required for me to sign in offered, in part the lettering "omg" which is what I thought watching this flick (not to be confused with a movie which offers intelligent acting, a worthwhile story and characters we can care about. This..."thing"...lacks all of these. The acting is worse than most high school plays (which, at their worst, express the infectious enthusiasm of the cast). The humor is of the lowest brow, and the contempt it shows for the characters leaves one unable to appreciate their casual fates; they are no more than "things" to be slaughtered in the interest of this shallow, pathetic attempt at entertainment. This is the intellectual equivalent of chewing gum (not even bubble gum, with that you can blow bubbles - which are infinitely more entertaining than this "offering.") If you enjoy spinning around like a 5-year old until you get dizzy, or hammering your head with a 2 by 4 because it feels so good when you stop, you may want to watch a few minutes of this to see how not to write or act, or to know what those two activities are by seeing how they're not done here, but otherwise avoid this like you would a forest fire. I pray those involved never attempt anything on film again. If I knew how to contact those involved, I would create a "Go Fund Me" to pay them not to. You've been warned.
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