Josstice League Who?
14 November 2023
After the cataclysmic abomination that was Justice League in 2017, it was revealed that an extended version and alternate scenes exist in WB's archives. In 2021, after a widespread online campaign that took the internet by storm, WB gave Snyder the greenlight, and thus, Zack Snyder's Justice League was released from a four-year limbo. And in every conceivable way, it's a gigantic improvement over what was excreted four years prior.

The story is intriguing and feels memorable, the special effects are way more polished and blend in very well, the action and fight choreography are well-paced and enjoyable, and the characters are all fleshed out. Cyborg is actually a character, Steppenwolf is a believable and compelling villain, and the Justice League heroes all feel more like established characters rather than just being one-trick.

If I were to point out any nitpicks at all, the runtime is, in my opinion, a bit too long, and a lot of that is because of how many slow-motion scenes are added, but even still it can be forgiven by what the film can make use from those shots. It gives the audience time to take in what's being shown and what it can lead up to.

Overall, Zack Snyder absolutely got it right, and it's a shame that this wasn't the version that was first released. Easily my favorite DCEU movie, a satisfying end to the Snyder DC trilogy, and love letter to DC as a whole. 10/10. S Tier.
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