19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad. But not as good as the 99% Heisenberg-quality of the original show.

Good things first: It's just great to know how Jesse managed to make his way out. I'm happy that he did. And this movie brings up a lot of memories from the show that many viewers would recall fondly (e.g. "Magnets!"). I love it.

Now, breaking bad: This movie doesn't use its two hours wisely. There is too much about Todd. I'm sorry but I don't care that much about Todd. Dialogues are not as witty and interesting as in the show. Almost dull at some points. The characters behave in ways that make little sense. The "wild West" confrontation scene is cool, but no, it's so moronic.

All in all, it's an ok epilogue to the best TV series ever made. Certainly worth your time if you are a BB fan.
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