Beautiful and great fun... uh, Hitch?
19 November 2023
First movie that I saw either lead in, so it sticks. The Riviera never looked so good before or since, and I've appreciated the leads often in their other films. Plus the chicken tied the police up in knots and we got a fun funeral and a fun flower-market fight.

However, having paid my dues, I suggest there is a good reason to resuscitate Hitch and get this aspect straight. WHY were Bertani (Robie's friend) and Danielle (Robie's fancier) and Foussard (Danielle's pegleg dad) doing what they did?

It was putting quite unkind pressure on Robie's old crew, the kitchen team, and provoking Robie to come looking for them. By the end one was dead, and two were frogmarched off.

Was Robie simply living too high on the hog from the gang's ill-gotten gains while the others were still mere dishwashers and such? Hitch?

*** Okay, spoiler: the book differs slightly, there it all makes sense. The gang formed in the WWII resistance, then all helped set up the steals, then were all caught and out on parole, then Robie used some of them to nail the new cat. The three were just in it for themselves, not deliberately setting Robie up. Victimless crimes in a way, as the insurance always paid out.
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