It was only 100 years ago that Harry Lloyd . . .
1 December 2023
. . . had his big moment on-screen, dangling high over a city street from the hands of a clock in his picture SAFETY LAST! During GIVE 'EM THE WORKS or ROCKY AROUND THE CLOCK, Bullwinkle J. Moose spoofs, mocks and belittles Harry's big moment from 37 years earlier. Why such disrespect for a one-time Tinsel Town Big Shot, rising from his prostate cancer death bed only to take 3-D lewd photos of famous strippers? Mostly because Dirty Harry was nearly Evil enough to crack the infamous Hollywood Ten list of trashy Rich Oafs driving thousands of innocent blue collar wage workers to early demises through starvation, bankruptcy and suicide with an avalanche of slander, lies and libel. Ginger Snaps' mom edged out Harry to pose beside her daughter, Jack Ford, Ell Crazy One, Charlie Heston, Headless Hopper, Ronnie Ray Gun, Frankie Cap Raw, War Bonds and Marion Mitchell "Duke-the-family-Mutt" Morrison in Hollywood's Hall of Shame.
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