Review of Napoleon

Napoleon (2023)
Shouldn't be a movie
3 December 2023
A good reviewer here before me wrote this: "...They cram SO much events and history and different characters from different time periods into this one movie..." This is so very true and it is really what made this movie quite weak.

I am giving it a 7 because of the subject matter and I love history, but in all honesty it deserves less. This should not have been a movie (see above), it probably could have fared better as a series (even though I am doubtful of that too).

There is a problem with turning a biography into a movie. It almost always feels crammed and worse, "disjointed" with many jumps and gaps, lacking in smoothness and without proper and satisfying transitions.

There had been an insane amount of poor quality reviews in the newspapers and mainstream news outlets and on social media regarding the "accuracy" of the events depicted. Let me tell you straight away that there was an insignificant number of inaccuracies, so minor and few that they do not matter and it's not because of those couple of changes that the movie doesn't make the cut. It's because of everything else said above.
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