Review of Superstore

Superstore (2015–2021)
One Irritating Factor
5 December 2023
I haven't reviewed anything in a while, just been watching and accepting and or enjoying whatever I've been watching. With this show, it's a mix of both. It's enjoyable enough. I'm only on season 1 episode 9 and the only reason I'm leaving this review is one reason and one reason only. Will anyone care how I feel especially being three years after the show ended? Idk or care, I have to get this out. While there are a few things that irk me, there's one I just can't get past.

I am so annoyed with these shows/movies casting 30 year olds to play teenagers. How can you expect me to look at Cheyenne and her fiancé and believe they are teens? I get casting directors know we know...or do they...but it still feels like an insult. While she is a good actress, she does not act like a teen. She literally acts like an older lady who hasn't mentally matured well. It's actually quite weird in a way I really can't in this moment, find the words to describe it. Ok, rant over.
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