Review of The Days

The Days (2023)
9 December 2023
My wife and I recently watched this series on Netflix.

Initially interesting and involving, what eventually played out here in "The Days" was numbingly boring. It appeared that every recorded piece of dialogue, every failure to make a decision, everything that went through the mind of anyone involved in trying to manage what happened, every single thing recorded anywhere about Fukushima Daiichi was given airtime in this Netflix series.

The result was a series which, while at first pretty good, by episode 5, was way beyond boring. I was sitting there yelling at the screen "Oh, F-- F--- S---, DO SOMETHING".

All but one or two of the characters portrayed in the series seemed far more interested in "saving face" (translation of saving face is actually lying) and failing to make the decisions that so desperately needed to be made. It's no wonder that the character of the Japanese Prime Minister was portrayed as a nasty type, surrounded as he was by people who appeared not to know what the Hell they were doing and who he must have felt were hiding vital information from him. In his situation, I would have been even more impatient.

All of this faffing about resulted in our giving the series away somewhere around episode 7 since we were constantly nodding off.

It appears that the cue to make this series about Fukushima was the previous and excellent series "Chernobyl" which was much better in every possible way. Chernobyl did in five episodes and five and a half hours what Fukushima utterly failed to do in eight episodes and seven and a half VERY LONG hours. Fukushima could have been so much better if it had taken place over three or possibly four episodes and without all the time wasting and utter failure by all involved to do what was so obviously essential.

Not recommended this one.

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