Star Trek: Voyager: Prime Factors (1995)
Season 1, Episode 9
Does logic overrule morality?
9 December 2023
This is a strong episode and I do not know why it is rated so poorly.

The Voyager encounters a species, that finds joy in helping others and being hospitable. When the crew finds out that they possess a technology that allows travelling 40.000 light years by bending space, they see this as an opportunity to travel half the distance back to home in a matter of seconds. Naturally they ask this species if they will share this technology with them. But just like Starfleet has the Prime Directive and does not share sophisticated technology with lesser evolved species, a similar rule exists on this species' planet. One of the magistrates denies them this technology which causes a dispute among the Voyager crew.

While Janeway realizes that they are now the lower evolved species on the other side of the fence that is denied technology and progress and if they would not follow their rules, their own Prime Directive would become meaningless and pointless. Everything in what they believe in as Stafleet officers would fall apart if they would selfishly try to get hold on this technology by disobeying the wishes and the codex of this alien species.

Some crew members though take actions into their own hands. And when they are contacted by a member of the alien species that is willing to trade their technology for the library of the Voyager, they see an opportunity to get closer to home - no matter if this means throwing their own morality overboard.

Especially the ending of this episode is very strong and Janeway shows the best character study so far in season 1. When she tells Tuvok why she needs him as a moral compass and that his logic failed him this time, her acting performance is spot on and portrays the inner struggle she fights: Following the morality codex that made her being a Starfleet officer in the first place or keeping her promise to her crew: bringing them all home - no matter what.
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