Review of Magic Silver

Magic Silver (2009)
25 December 2023
This movie, about Princess Fjellrose who has never been outside the safe mountain, is a good fantasy movie!

It obviously targets audiences like families with small children because of its simple story and script, and it also has some very cheesy moments, but overall, the heartwarming moments overshadow most of them. The inner story introduces themes like morality, limits and bravery that can give insight to young audiences specifically, but also adults. The CGI is acceptable despite its flaws, but especially the score by composer Magnus Beite is beautiful even though it's not unique. I could personally listen to it the whole day. Despite the movie's simplicity, it contains some good humor and it's mostly engaging. Overall, it's an appropriate suspenseful movie for the Christmas holiday.

Despite its straightforward narrative and some cheesy moments, this is a heartwarming and engaging fantasy movie that offers valuable lessons on morality, limits, and bravery. The beautiful score and occasional humor further enhance the viewing experience, making it a suitable choice for families with small children during the Christmas season.
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