The Child in Time (2017 TV Movie)
Discombobulated melodrama
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I don't understand the fuss about Mr Cumberbatch or why he is so popular and in almost every production lately. I personally find him quite unattractive to look at and his 'acting' just never convinces me. He, along with almost everyone else in this drawn-out film, are not able to 'inhabit' their roles or characters. Apart from the disconnected feel of the whole thing (I struggled to watch it to the end), the overwhelming music was really off-putting and an irritant more than an 'enhancement' to anything. The other major issue I had was the frantic camera movements that were reminiscent of a film student's initial experimentation. I found the production to be just so many unconnected and improbable scenarios that had no cohesion or authenticity. The main theme of a missing child became secondary to all these other side stories. Charles was clearly unhinged early on in the film yet no one did anything about it. Never a mention of any investigation or what might have actually happened. Yes, this was an exploration of 'feelings' but of too many peripheral characters and situations, both past and present. It felt very schizophrenic overall and really failed to hold my interest or complete attention. I just wanted it to be over, and the ending really made no sense. Strange film that I clearly missed the 'real' meaning of.
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