Cant wait for the sequel
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Let's just say that I started watching this show after seeing its predecessor the Origional Time after Time with Malcolm Mcdowel and Mary Sternberg and David Warner as Jack the Ripper and loved the movie Then found the Extended Tv Series and WOW Twelve episodes Original set for five episodes then cancelled but elsewhere they showed the remaining seven episodes A great injustice was done when it was cancelled after five episodes Thank heavens common sense prevailed elsewhere and the full season of twelve episodes was shown elsewhere Like the movie it starts of with H G Wells creating a Time Machine which is stolen by JOHN Stevenson (AKA JACK THE RIPPER) HG travels forwards in time to stop Jack from continuing his murderous rampage in 2017 At this point the stormy veers of into a Back to the Future type film when HG and Jane the curator of the HPG WELLS exhibit have t play around with time travel to unravel a devious plot of a bother and sister trying to enhance ordinary men into super soldiers Towards the middle of the series they go back to the past and land up on an island run by a scientist who is working to enhance strong and powerful soldiers Unfortunately for him and his subjects the experiments don't go according to plan and his subjects are turned onto half monsters (the Island of Dr Moreau style) They then have to escape this island and capture Jack the Ripper who has a very unique DNA that would enable the scientist daughter create the perfect unstoppable soldier then sell it to the highest bidder To say more would spoil the show but needless to say I binge watched the show (all 12 episodes) in under a week A person has got to eat work and sleep as well but if the choice was mine would have finished the whole show in two days The ending is not what one would expect and is quite shocking Although it does end on a cliff hanger it leaves the show up for a sequel which personally I would love to see and hope they do do a season two Not to do so woukd be a travesty and an injustice I give this show a SOLID TEN OUT OF TEN but then I'm also prejudiced I love any and all time travel and alternative history shows One other very redeeming thing about the show is it encourages one to go read the books by HG WELLS especially the Island of Dr Moreau Any book or movie or tv series that encourages a person to research farther deserved an accolade.
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