Last Sentinel (2023)
A long way to go for very little reward
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie moves at a glacial pace made worse by the plodding and often nonsensical actions of the characters. It takes them minutes, a lot of minutes, to do something that should have happened immediately.

The story is simple to the point of being nonsensical as well; someone had a simplistic but heavy handed message about we terrible humans destroying the planet but didn't know how to make it interesting or even coherent. So they made this movie instead.

There are only four characters. None of them are particularly interesting and they all do things that make very little sense, some that are actually an insult to the audiences intelligence. And in the end it turns out that one of the two real main characters is a cold blooded killer but the other one forgives them instantly because....well, for no reason that makes sense other than it's necessary for the silly, and I do mean silly, ending to occur.

Very slow movie with a very poorly written script. About the only good thing I can say about it is that the cinematography wasn't bad. Don't bother unless you want to be lulled to sleep while having your intelligence insulted all at the same time.
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