During the "Bullwinkle's Corner" segment of . . .
12 January 2024
, , , The Bullwinkle Show, Season 2, Episode 14, the moose mentions that Edgar Allan Poe wrote THE RAVEN, but does not provide much of a backstory. It turns out that when Cadet Poe was expelled from West Point for writing the word "Bells" too many times during cannon ball class, he grew very depressed on the train back to Virginia, wondering if he'd ever see his soul mate Cadet Leonard Flynn again. As his train clicked and clacked over the rails, Poe gave in to the urge to somehow memorialize his love for the Lost Leonard. Scribbling on the back of an envelope, Poe completed a virtual final draft of THE RAVEN by the time his locomotive pulled into the Harper's Ferry station. Bullwinkle simplifies all of this to a reprise of the Hammerstein verse about how "woodpeckers peck it on wood."
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