Outlander: Death Be Not Proud (2023)
Season 7, Episode 3
Just plain stupid
14 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First couple episodes gave me hope this season might be decent but it quickly fell back into the same stupidity as the last two seasons.. Outlander ,a series of unfortunate events! Where everything that can go wrong does go wrong and a logical nonsense prevails throughout! Come watch (or rather don't) the ridiculous nonsense written by a 20 year old clueless zoomer with zero life experience, logic or understanding. Everything from the way the fire started to them stocking and killing the poor old woman, to them discussing where to build again. Which makes absolutely no sense to build elsewhere where you've already dug a seller and have a foundation.. things didn't happen within a couple months there, it would take years to build a house like they had. Let's pick out our scraps of stuff out of the fire but not build on top of the foundation we already made. Or when Jamie and Claire are talking about what they should do with his body when he does and she says send him back to Scotland? Yeah okay but you couldn't ship bodies anywhere back then because the ship voyage took months and there was no refrigerated cargo hold. Siigghh. What's with Jamie suddenly astral traveling lmao..uhh what. Is that the lazy writer's way of telling us what's going on with Brianna and Roger without them having to film it.? Also random convenient gold is convenient. Why is Jamie suddenly so religious? He was briefly shown praying once then this season he's doing it constantly and talking about god. Hahaha imagine being so dumb to entrust a ton of gold to the memory of a four to five year old.. Wow. I give up.
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