Star Trek: Voyager: The Voyager Conspiracy (1999)
Season 6, Episode 9
Make Voyager great again
20 January 2024
Dissatisfied with the increasingly inefficient way humans absorb and process information, Seven begins to download ship and mission logs into her brain via her neural implant. After cleaning the data and deleting all the cat videos, lunch photos, yoga and gym selfies, and people posing in front of sunflower fields, she tries to make sense of all this (dis)information in her echo chamber and soon begins to sense conspiracies around every corner and believes she is on the trail of something really big.

After accusing Janeway of rigging the vote on whether Voyager should use the caretaker's array to fly home, she accuses Chakotay of setting up a Maquis deep state on Voyager and pulling the strings in the background. A small but powerful elite at the top of Starfleet Command seems to be also involved, attempting to flood the delta quadrant with cheap replicator and warp coil technology in order to gradually gain territorial and military upper hand.

Luckily, Janeway manages to gain access to Seven through an emotional performance and convinces her that she has completely lost her way down the rabbit hole. Here Janeway shows once again that she is not only tough and decisive, but that she really cares about her crew.

This episode is a frightening 25-year-old forewarning of what the Internet and the flood of unfiltered information is doing to people today. Unfortunately, we are already far beyond the point where a clarifying conversation with a close person would lead to reason and truth again. Instead, people today also smell conspiracies everywhere and believe in some dark forces that undoubtedly hold the strings of their rather insignificant lives in their hands.
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