Great Anime well worth watching
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent:

This anime is really well done. It is three stories in one.

First it's an Isekia but with a twist. Most Isekia's are men who get transported somehow to a new world. The main character is a woman. She is summoned with another woman to a world full of magic and monsters. Typical Anime stuff. Of course the other woman is very pretty and Sei is more conservative and has glasses so she is dismissed by the Prince. However she ends up being very powerful and she becomes very popular. She is also extremely kind and a typically good person. She goes around and kills monsters and purges the land of demons and their evil energy. However she isn't a fighter and is with several high level knights. One of which she is in love with.

Next this is a Roman story. As Sei learns and does research and goes about her new life. She falls in love with a knight. Of course she doesn't tell him she is in love. She isn't direct and wants him to take the lead. He eventually does but it's painfully slow. This is why women if you want something say something. As multiple men like her and she is of course oblivious to most of this. However I will not give away the ending of season 2. But it was well worth the wait.

This next part is more about society and social interaction. First, do you know the difference between a traditional woman and a modern woman? Traditional typically means a woman who wants to have kids and be a stay at home mother. She is not a slave or weak. A stay at home mother is strong and the glue to society. She is the unsung hero of our entire civilization. And the traditional woman is a dying breed. Hence why our population is in a decline and will keep declining for a few generations. A modern woman is what people would call a feminist. Someone who doesn't need a man. Someone who wants to do everything themselves. Usually she doesn't have kids because she is too busy and when she realizes she is alone it's too late for her to have kids. Some women are great at this but most end up regretting this outlook.

With the definition out of the way here is why I told them to you. Sei is from modern Japan. So she has a degree and is independent. This means we treat her like a man in the sense that she wants to be the head of household and bread winner. So if that's the case then why does she get so nervous around these men. If she wants to ask one out why doesn't she as a modern woman just ask him out and say what she feels. Because men have to face rejection 100s of times before one woman says yes. Think of this: how many male friends do you have that are in the friend zone that would make good husbands? If you want to be treated like a man then you should be willing to be drafted, pay for meals, ask men out, ask for raises at work, work 60-80+ hours a week and not complain, let your man stay home and raise the kids since you're the breadwinner.

Most women, even modern women, would say no to all the above. Why? Men do all the above. This anime touches on the typical woman who wants a handsome man who is rich and manly. Yet in modern society men are told women don't need them and that we are all toxic and we should be manly but feminine. We should be sensitive and thoughtful yet also be strong and muscular. Men should give our lives for women. Men should work hard jobs like construction and making roads and houses. Toxic feminism has made it so hard to be a man in society that we all need to be 50 Shades of Grey. Billionaire and extremely handsome. This anime shows that even modern women want a man to approach and a man to make the first move. The anime showed how even though she is a modern woman from today's society she wants to be wicked away and fall in love. Yet in western societies men can't do this because we are so afraid of being taken to court for a misunderstanding or accident. Marriage used to be a 50/50 mutually beneficial arrangement but now it's just a cash grab for women. Which is sad because even me, a non religious person and someone who believes in facts and science and technology can see how society was better off with single family incomes.

This anime has a lot to offer and you will see how she struggles with her wanting this one man. She isn't a direct person either so she is extremely shy. She almost misses her opportunity many times. So if you get anything from my post make it this. If you like someone then ask them out. Also don't friend zone good men. You might be missing out of a great relationship all because you want a man way out of your league. Sorry but if you're not a real 9 or 10 and can cook, clean, have kids, workout and dress up. Then you are never getting a man on this level. But if you're a 6 and the man your friend zoned is a 5 or 6 then maybe you should give him a chance. This is what the anime is really about taking chances and going for what you want. You will see at the end of season 2.
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