Review of Blacula

Blacula (1972)
William Marshall made Blackula believable
29 January 2024
To think that they originally wanted to make this a jive Dracula movie. Thank you Mr. Marshall for making the changes and adding refinement to the character. This is one movie that is worth watching and William Marshall doesn't disappoint as Blackula. I couldn't sleep for 3 days after watching this as a kid that's how convincing this was. The dracula movies of late are boring and put me to sleep. Gary Oldens Dracula movie I could not stay awake that is how bad it was. These old movies should be greatly appreciated for their acting as well as the visual special effects of that time. If you want to watch something in the Vampire genre worth while this is it. Too bad that the vampire movies and programs of today are really bad as in they suck. Lastly I don't understand the low rating as they don't make them like this anymore.
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