Chinatown (1974)
Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown.
24 February 2024
"Chinatown" directed by the French-Polish director Roman Polanski (Rosemary's Baby) and (The Pianist) is a very good crime-thriller about detective Jake Gittes that starts a new case that doesn't seem so complicated at first, but after several weird situations, a bigger case is beginning, were murder, lies and more lies gets involved. Jake Gittes goes through the twisted crime and it isn't that easy. Polanski knew exactly how to make great suspense. With the thrilling music, great sound effects and building up action, nothing could have been better. Some things could have been better though, but more about that later. Jack Nicholson is very good at adapting Gittes, he puts in the thinking mind of a detective, as well as the great personality he develops. Gittes mysterious past isn't touched to much in the film, and that was my first argue. I could understand he had a complicated backstory, but at least it could tell more about it, get something more that could make the plot even more interesting. Secondly I just think the film is a little overrated. Because there is the case (That is very good) and the building suspense, as well as very good action sequences to make it more interesting, but it missed that little something. Perhaps something about the ending. You know, I really liked the last dialogue: "Forget it Jake. It's Chinatown" as they walk away from the crime scene and the screen fades out, but still, the case didn't felt totally complete (I won't spoil so I won't tell) and I think that was the thing that let the rating down a little. And then comes the technicals. The montage and camera filming was ok, and the costume designs were great! It gave me really the detective film atmosphere, and that is something I have to boast about. So summarizing, Chinatown was a good crime-thriller, some parts could be better than others, but the positives are very dominating here, and I think 7/10 will be the best rating I can give.
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