British Men Behaving Badly: Playing Away (1995)
Season 4, Episode 7
Horrible Dorothy
25 February 2024
I really don't understand the point of this episode. Men Behaving Badly was never a series that tackled serious issues, or at least it was never good at it. It is a sitcom with a very simplified, almost caricatural depiction of men, women and their relationships and sometimes can be pretty funny with that kind of approach. But tackling a serious issue such as your partner cheating on you with your best friend, that is not something that this show can do. The writing is simply not good enough. While a show like OFAH could do both comedy and drama well, Men... simply cannot. This episode is not good enough to handle a serious topic, and at the same time it is not funny at all. The jokes fall flat, and the attempts to make serious moments seem funny are painfully unfunny, so in the end we get the worst of both worlds. And the fact that at the end of the episode everything is just business as usual when it comes to relations between characters seems completely unnatural and ridiculous. If you want to make a sitcom that wants to keep relations between characters more or less constant, you should not introduce such impactful events.

Related to this, but definitely not unique to just this episode, we see again just how horrible person Dorothy is. While Gary was portrayed as an unlikable person and something of a sleaze from the start, Dorothy was sold as the better one in their relationship - smarter, more likeable, more sensitive, better mannered. But in reality, she is a far worse person. While with Gary what you see is what you get, Dorothy, while pretending, or rather really believing, that she is much better, has actually repeatedly cheated on Gary (while he never cheated on her) and is constantly insulting, belittling and putting him down.
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